Wo kommst du denn her?:) Es gibt ziemlich viele Websiten auf denen du fragen kannst, sonst frag weitere Jugendliche:) Auf Konzerten kommt man auch gut weiter

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Ich gebe dir jetzt einfach mal die Lieder, aus denen ich gerne zitiere:

Slipknot - Snuff

""So if you love me let me go, and run away before I know, my heart is just too dark to care, I can't destroy what isn't there"

Type o Negative - Bloody Kisses

"With my blood I'll find your love, you found the strength to end you life, as you did so shall I"

Deep Purple (oder die Metallica Version) - When a blind man cries

"If you're leaving, close the door, I'm not expecting people, anymore"

Iron Maiden - Wasted Years

"So understand, don't waste your time always searching for those wasted years, face up, make your stand, and realize you're living in the golden years"

Katatonia - Day

"Your smile has decayed, it will never be the same, I never thought I would laugh again, I should be knowing this, it used to be me"

Cradle of Filth - Lovesick for Mina

"Stepping through a mirror, the princess of the emerald glass, brought me one step nearer, Love's infernal past... "

The Cure - Inbetween Days (Metal *hust*)

"And I know I was wrong, when I said it was true, that it couldn't be me, and be her in between without you"

Alice Cooper - Poison

"I want to hurt you just to hear you screaming my name"

Megadeth - In My Darkest Hour

"Loneliness is not only felt be fools"

Wow, das war Arbeit. :)))

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Hast du häufiger Probleme mit Halluzinationen?

Vielleicht hast du dir das einfach eingebildet, weil du so müde warst.

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