wie wärs mit rettungsdienst rufen oder wie die heissen einfach mal anrufen und die kommen schon irgendwann :)

MfG Maxim

...zur Antwort

ich würde dir raten versuchen dem hund bei zu bringen dass es gefährlich enden kann, ihn versuchen richtig zu erzeiehn und du könntest mit ihm jeden tag joggen gehen damit er sich auspowert und nicht so hyperaktiv :) ist.

MfG Maxim

...zur Antwort

ich hatte das gleiche problem aber dann hab ich mir heizungssocken gekauft(hab sie geschenkt bekommen) mir war überal kalt an den füssen und dann hab ich heizunssocken bekommen und ab jetzt friere ich nie mehr nachts die heizungssocken kosten immer unterschiedlich aber wenn man gutgenug sucht kann man sie zum perfekten preis finden :)

...zur Antwort
welcher dieser kurzreferate über ist am besten?

hier die kurzreferate:

  1. Washington D.C. is the capital of the United States of America. There is also the government from the USA. The USA consist of 50 states and Washington the Distict of Columbia. Washington D.C. has got an exceptional position and so you can say it belongs to a state.It´s about 180 km” and has got about 575.000 inhabitans. The city is named Washington because the first president was George Washington. The river Potomac, Virginia and Maryland border Washington. There you can find about five universities, this are the famous ones: Georgetown University, established 1975, die George Washington University, established 1821 und die Howard University, established 1867. You also can find many museums, churchs, libarys, theatres and many famous monuments like the “White House”. All presidents of the USA lived in this house. The Capitol is the place for the congresses. This building should be the highest in Washinton D.C. Because of this there are no sky- scrapers. But there are two building which are higher than the Capitol. This is the Washinton Monument ( a monument for their first president) and the tower of the old Post Office. But these buildings where built before they said that the Capitol must to be the highest.
  2. Sights of New York New York has many sights, 500 galerys, about 150 museums, more than 100 theaters, many department stores and more than 17000 restaurantes. The most sights are at Manhattan for example the Fifth Avenue. It is one of the famousest streets of the world. The Figth Avenue is a symbole for the rich New York. There are a lot ofsights for example the Empire State Building, St. Patrick´s Cathedral, York Public Library and so on. Also there are many famouse shops for fashion and cosmetic for exemple Lacost, Armani, Versace and so on.The Empire State Building is on of the famousest sights in New York. It is 433 meters high and is on of the highest buildings in the world. It has 102 sticks. You can come with on of 70 elevators or by foot 1800 steps to the observation platform (aussichtsplatform). Every year came about 3 milion tourists to these buildin. When you appear you can see 100 kilometers far. The Brookly Bridge is the link from Manhattan to Brooklyn. Hundrets of athletes are going every day over it, but also walkers (spaziegänge) cars, busses and motorbiks. It is 1091 meters long. John Roebling had´the idea to build that brige. 1869 they begun to build it and end 1882. The highest building in New York were the world Trade Centers. The Noeth Tower was 417 meter high and the south tower was 415 meters high. But at the 11.September.2004 they were destroyed by a terrorist attack (terroranschlag). Two plains flew betweeen the 78. and zhe 84. stick in the towers then they fell down. 2.819 people died. Now there is the Ground Zero. The Statue of Liberty is 46,5 meters high. Frederic Auguste Bartholdi outlined (entwurf) it. It stands in Bedloe´s Island.

under dritte kommt gleich

...zur Frage

3: All about New York

On Staten Island stand the Stature of Liberty. In Manhattan is the Central Park where you can do activitis, it’s the biggest Park in New York.

New York is made up of five boroughs Queens, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Staten Island and Bronx. New York is the city that never sleeps it`s a hectic city full of people, nois and traffic.

In New York are excellent theater, music, film and restaurants.

Brooklyn is the lagest borough. The famouse bridge in Brooklyn is the Brooklyn Bridge, it´s the oldest bridge in the world 225 million people life in Brooklyn.

The Medison Square Garden is not a garden or a park, you can see ther shows, concerts and sport events.

Manhattans streets go from west to east and evenes go from north to south.

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ich wollte nua ma sagen dass kinder schon in der 6. kjlasse (12 jahre ca.) sexualkunde haben und ich denke das mit ürgend welchen brüsten eine folge handelt nichts schlimmes ist das einzigste ist dass die eltern das gucken... die eltern könnten das verbieten :) ich möchte nicht sagen das du das heimlich machen solst aber versuchen so z.b. keine ahnung bei "peinlichen" situationen mit deiner schwester kurz rausgehen od4er so aber sonst... :)

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