Mir geht es genauso... ich bin jetzt in der Oberstufe und die mündliche Note belastet mich psychisch die ganze Zeit.. ich habe versucht mich zu verbessern, aber es klappt einfach nicht! DU BIST NICHT ALLEINE!

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I will refer to the blog post „Reality TV: a ghastly plague upon modern society“ which was written by the student James McLennan in 2013.

To be honest, I absolutely agree with the author, so I would like and share his article because it represents my own opinion. Here are a few reasons why I am of the same opinion as the author:

Two months ago, you could watch the German TV show „Ich bin ein Star – Holt mich hier raus!“ which is the equivalent to the English show „I’m a celebrity – Get me out of here!“ every January. You can see celebrities – who are actually not even prominent – doing very stupid things like: Eating bugs, doing weird jungle challenges and make themselves a laughing stock for the population. I have watched this show maybe once or twice, but I felt embarrassed for them. Also I am suprised that this kind of reality show, that is shown every day of January , is still so popular . I ask myself, why do people like to watchpeople fail and laugh about them?

Furthermore the author compares the reality TV in the 1940s with the shows nowadays. You could see how things have changed: From a harmless show to a harmful one, which robs the privacy of people . Of course, one could say „But they voluntarily go to the jungle“, but they are paid with lots of money. And that’s the problem. There are too many people who will do nearly everything for money, like showing their privacy for the whole day in a „Big brother“ TV show

I also agree with James McLennan’s opinion. As he says in line 39: “reality TV is a way for people to feel better about their own lives“. So whenever you have a bad day, you can switch through the TV channels and see that there are so many people who feel worse than you. Sooner or later you have to admit yourself that reality TV is a big lie. And I’d like to give an example for my claim. Former candidates of the German music talent show „Deutschland sucht den Superstar“ which is similar to „American Idol“ said in interviews, they were offered money for them to go to the casting and do something stupid so the channel can show it to the audience. They really don’t seek for music talents, they are looking for stupid people who make themselves a laughing stock – and the whole country is watching them.

In the end the author says, TV “has sunk to an all new low“ (l. 60/61). That’s absolutely true because we are on a level at the moment, you could shut down your television five seconds after you turned it on. We will see, if these TV shows will disappear some day. And, of course, if “something far worse replaces it“ (l. 63/64).

Der Text ist sehr gut, allerdings habe ich dir nur Verbesserungsvorschläge gegeben , damit der Text noch besser wird.

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“Sometimes he wears red shoes” hier musst du nur ein Komma zwischen “sometimes” und “he” setzen, dann kann der Satz als richtig gelten. Im Prinzip ist auch “I have already a watch” richtig aber ein Muttersprachler würde so nicht sprechen.

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Wenn du Schnupfen hast, dann zum Glück kein Coronavirus.

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Kurz gesagt:

Die parabolische Bedeutung ist die Moral. Die parabolische Bedeutung wird aber nicht durch Tiere( Fabeln) oder direkt formuliert, sondern du musst sie interpretieren.

Die metaphorische Bedeutung: Dass ein Dichter oder Autor etwas nicht wortwörtlich meint, also im übertragenen Sinne

Die symbolische Bedeutung: ein Beispiel(Symbol) dafür wäre das Herz für Liebe. Ein Symbol oder Sinnbild ist ein Zeichen für etwas.

Die allegorische Bedeutung: Die allegorische Bedeutung ist die Verbildlichung von Abstraktem oder Unwirklichem. Dabei wird das Allgemeine im Besonderen abgebildet, wobei häufig Metaphern ( gebrochenes Herz) oder Personifikationen (der Himmel weint) zum Einsatz kommen.

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