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2 Antworten

Vom Fragesteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet

Unknown lyrical I = unbekanntes lyrisches Ich (?)

"visibly surprised" ist ein eher merkwürdiger Ausdruck wenn es sich um eine schriftliche und keine bildliche Widergabe handelt.

"Change of the parents" seine Eltern? Dann wäre "change of his parents" besser um das allgemein deutlicher zu machen, besser noch inwiefern z.B. "attitudinal change"

"who have been stopping complaining about their childs' habits for months"

  1. Punkt: 2 mal -ing Form hintereinander funktioniert nicht, wenn dann "who have stopped complaining"
  2. Punkt: Anstatt "for" lieber "after" sonst heißt es sie haben monatelang aufgehört sich zu beschweren.
  3. Punkt: child's anstatt childs'

Danach wirds ehrlich gesagt ein wenig schwierig zu verstehen aber nicht wegen deinem Englisch sondern wegen den Zusammenhängen. "the child is STILL wondering" warum "still" also "immer noch"? Du bist doch noch bei der selben Handlung und es gab keinerlei Unterbrechungen oder Zeitsprünge.

"Before that happened, they had criticized their child for every little detail and told him to act more mature"

"Secondly, the lyrical I spectaculates the significance of the silence towards their child."

Ich glaub du meinst spekulieren also "speculates" "... the meaning of their silence towards him"

"It is asking if that means" also frägt es das wirklich oder ist das nur ein Gedanke?

"It wonders/asks if that means, they have given up on him or if they give him the chance to make his own choices and take responsibility"

Summarizing a poem

-The poem "Growing up" written by Wes Magee describes an unknown lyrical I, who is visibly surprised about the change of the parents. They have stopped complaining about their childs' (1 child oder mehrere? Child's wenn nur 1) habits for months.

The poem can be divided into two parts. First of all the lyrical I is still wondering about the sudden silence of the parents. Before that happend, they had critized their child about every little detail and had asked for acting more maturely. 

Secondly, the lyrical I spectaculates the significance of the silence towards their child. It wonders if that means they are just gave up or gave him the chance to take his own choices and responsiblity.