Hi, könnte mir einer einen Dialog auf Englisch über Gaming schreiben?. Es geht um ein Mädchen die zu oft Videospiele spielt doch ihre Mutter ist dagegen?

4 Antworten

Mother: Sarah, it's time to put down that video game and do something productive. You've been playing for hours!

Sarah: But Mom, I'm really enjoying this game. It's so much fun, and I'm getting better at it every day.

Mother: I understand that it's entertaining for you, but playing video games for extended periods isn't healthy. You need to have a balance in your life, Sarah. There are other important things you should be focusing on too.

Sarah: I know you're concerned, Mom, but I promise I'm still taking care of my responsibilities. I finish my homework before I play, and I'm keeping up with my schoolwork.

Mother: That's good to hear, but there's more to life than just schoolwork. You need to have real-life experiences and social interactions. Spending too much time in a virtual world can isolate you from the real world.

Sarah: I understand your point, Mom, but gaming also allows me to connect with my friends. We play together online, and it's a way for us to hang out, even if we can't be physically together.

Mother: I appreciate that, but there are other ways to socialize too. You could join a club or participate in extracurricular activities. It's important to have face-to-face interactions and develop a variety of skills.

Sarah: I do have friends at school, Mom, and I'm involved in a few clubs. But video games are my passion. I'm really good at them, and who knows? Maybe one day, I could even turn it into a career.

Mother: While it's great to have dreams, Sarah, it's important to have a backup plan. Pursuing a career in video games can be challenging, and it's crucial to have a well-rounded set of skills and experiences. That's why I want you to explore other interests too.

Sarah: I understand what you're saying, Mom, but right now, video games make me happy. They help me relax and unwind after a long day. Maybe we can find a compromise? I could limit my gaming time or set specific goals for myself.

Mother: That sounds like a reasonable suggestion, Sarah. Let's establish some guidelines together. We can set designated time slots for gaming, and you can use the rest of your time to engage in other activities. It's essential to find a healthy balance that allows you to enjoy your hobbies while also focusing on personal growth.

Sarah: Thank you, Mom. I appreciate your understanding and willingness to work with me. I'll make sure to manage my time better and explore other interests as well.

Woher ich das weiß:Berufserfahrung – Fachinformatiker i.d. Anwendungsentwicklung

KTM2110  22.05.2023, 20:22

Ich wette, dass auch das von ChatGPT kommt.

Aber in dem Fall sei es dir sogar verziehen.

JimBeamHoney  22.05.2023, 20:35

Jap. Sollte mir angewöhnen es fairnesshalber in Zukunft dazu zu schreiben.


Hallo livaa685,

Na komm, das schaffst du selbst.

Fördert die Kreativität und die Englischkenntnisse!


Woher ich das weiß:Studium / Ausbildung – Systemingenieur-Student

Klar kann ich das!

Frag doch einfach eine AI die könnte es für dich schreiben

LG :)

Woher ich das weiß:eigene Erfahrung – Ich weiß es einfach ;)