Habt ihr auch schon mal Post von spanischen Anwälten wg. angeblicher Erbschaft in Millionenhöhe bekommen?

43 Antworten

Hallo Seepferdchen, meine Eltern hatten vor ein paar Tagen auch so einen Brief in der Post. Angeblich ist ein Verwandter beim Tsunami 2004 mit seiner ganzen Familie gestorben und hat keine Angaben über andere Verwandte gemacht. Der Brief kam von folgender Firma: Silva Rosales & Asociados Madrid Ansprechpartnerin ist eine Julia Maria Fernanda.

Wir haben dort mal angerufen und diese Person auch erreicht. Bisher wollten sie nur eine Meldebestätigung meines Vaters sowie die Kopie eines Personalausweises. Wäre interessant, wann eine Zahlungsaufforderung kommt.

so einen ähnlichen brief haben haben wir auch bekommen er ist sehr gut gemacht denn es soll geheim bleiben und die namen sind alle echt es handelt um 40% von 12500000$ und das beste es ist ein persönlicher Brief der witz der sache ist die bank kommt aus spanien aber nummer dafür aus irland. der mann ist angeblich vor sechs jahren mit seiner ganzen familie bei einem autounfall gestorben. ich kann mir nicht vorstellen dass das echt ist den es gibt tausende menschen mit dem nachnamen andersen

Das hört sich höchst unseriös an und ich glaube mal was darüber gelesen zu haben, dass es sich hier um eine Abzockermasche handelt.

Ich habe ebenfalls das selbe Anschreiben von einer Frau Sandra Tane erhalten. Ich mußte nicht lange auf eine Rechnung von der Uni Caixa Trust für irgend welche Stempel und Notargebühren warten.

UNI CAIXA TRUST, Maslin&Associates, Sandra Tane, Alfredo Gama, die Telefonnummern und ganz neu ein Reverend Mark Phillips, alles das ist die NIGERIA Connection. Die haben auch eine Web-Page einer Kanzlei aus Florida "hijacked". Habe den Amis meine Recherchen geschickt, ist leider für Euch in Englisch:

"I had called your office on December 30th to talk to one of the lawyers as I had detected that your Web site seemed to be hijacked by those gangsters (yes they are, will come later to that). I mentioned to the phone lady that I believe the hijacked Web page is used in a fraud. This may have triggered that you had detected that yourself as I could read last week in the Palm Beach Post. Good to hear that your are not involved in those fraud activities which I initially believed as nobody returned my call (I had left my phone number.

So let me explain why I got into this in a historical sequence:

End of November a friend of mine explained to me that he expects an inheritance of about 8,000,000 Euro. I congratulated him but then I learned about the "fine print". He had been contacted by Sandra Tane of "Maslin & Associates" in early November that a person with the same family name had died and left no beneficiary. Therefore she offered him, for a certain fee, to put him into the position of the beneficiary. The money was supposed to be in a Spanish bank called "Uni Caixa Trust" in Madrid. He paid 2,500 Euro service charge (don't know yet how this transaction was executed, can deliver this later in case the money was wired).

He was then invited to come personally to Spain to meet a "bank officer" to pay additional service charges, compensation fees and release charges. This didn't happen as he dropped his pants and told me about this. He had already a bad feeling about this whole matter, maybe worth to mention that I called him an idiot which should have asked me in the first place. From today's perspective we should have gone to Spain to catch some of those folks in person.

Whatever, the whole fraud is based on peoples greed and is similar to what we know as the famous "Nigerian scam".

Regarding GoDaddy.com: they also hosted the Web site of "Uni Caixa Trust" named CXATRU.COM, registrant was a Gentleiyke LLC which has surprise surprise an address in Accra, Nigeria (we can say back to the roots here, right?).

More in detail and what I found:

Maslin&Associates 59 Piccadilly, Manchester Lancashire, M1 2AQ

tel. +44-7924-350611 (is a UK mobile number, potentially still valid, was initially provided initially by Manx Telecom) tel. +44-2825-440027 (the fax number, is till sending fax polling, potentially valid, provided initially by Gamma Telecom Holdings)

email was sandratane@aim.com , so AOL should be contacted about this one.

We can assume that the addresses are bogus, however phone numbers leave traces.

and now

Uni Caixa Trust Calle de San Julian 6 28801 Madrid

tel. +34-914143259 (this number is routed to the UK (you can hear the different ringing tone, you will be connected to a person which uses a voice scrambler (sounds like a midget)). It should be possible to force the Spanish provider to release the final destination because there are criminal activities committed here. tel. +34-911311829 (the fax number, UK ringing tone, one short poll, then disconnected)

The "Uni Caixa Trust" officer sending out correspondence is called "Alfred Gama" which I believe is also a Nigerian name.

Initially I tried to convince my friend to go to the police however he is too embarrassed to display in public his greed and stupidity. We can assume those people make at least 6 digit or 7 digit numbers in revenue and will be hardly brought to the authorities attention for the given reasons.

I hope all this information will be a little helpful for you and hopefully doesn't discourage you finding out who stole your Web site. Possibly a PI who is specialized on this kind of fraud should be involved."

Die Dummen sterben nicht aus. Die Chuzpe dieser Leute kann man daran sehen, daß die meinem Kumpel ein neues Fax geschickt haben: er soll die (nicht existierende) Bank kontakten, es wäre jetzt alles ready. Die Härte ist, das Fax ist von einer "United Nations Organisation in conjunction with the International Monetary Fund, World Bank Fact-Finding & Special Duties Office".