also wenn es um ein gutes grammatik referenz geht und auch beispiele, übungen würde ich Advanced Exercises in Practical English Grammar 1 und 2 plus... A Practical English Grammar ....3 bücher (zusammen gehörend) von A.J. Thompson und A.V. Martinet empfehlen....das sind bücher die auch in england genutzt werden....und geben nicht nur ein antwort aber alle antwort möglichkeiten an...was die meisten bücher nicht tun.....

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entweder gib mal ein idee was für wörter du suchst....oder zusammenhänge

oder du kannst sowas nutzen:

oder suche nach rhyme words....da gibt es mehrere sites.

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es ist ganz klar.

sie singt über ihre gefühle mit einem partner , nach langen jahren ist der lack etwas ab (zumindest denkt sie es)....oder sie befürchtet es zumindest..sie fühlt sich unsicher.....sie ist noch sehr verliebt aber hat den gefühl das diese liebe nicht mehr erwidert wird....sie weiß nicht warum, oder was sie tun aber über ihre gefühle noch ist ein lied der die unsicherheit ausdruckt wenn einer liebe in der phase des vertrautheits übergeht.....und oft als solches nicht erkannt wird..

ein tolle song....der einem dazu bringt sein eigenes leben anzuschauen und überlegen ob man noch genug tut um den partner noch den gefühl zu geben das sie immer noch den ersten platz besitzen.

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fluglotsen müssen ein standard test in englisch von der International Aviation Authority bezieht sich auf das benötige beim luftverkehr...da ist die schulnote ziemlich schnuppe....wie bei piloten auch....das einzige unterschied ist das piloten haben verschiedenen nach fluglinie und je nach gewollten job....zB. ein lufthansa pilot für v.i.p flüge sollte stufe 7 vorweisen koennen.....

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überwiegend dein antwort, aber ein paar kleine änderungen, ich hoffe die sind in deinem sinne.

I think death penalty is wrong on the one hand and right on the other.I think it's a fair punishment for rapists and mass murderers . They rape others and damage the lives of their victims . As a punishment they only get jailed for some years, which is too mild. I think rapists should spend a long time in prison and not only a few years. The victims who have been raped have physical and mental problems. They have no more self confidence and live in constant fear. On the other hand I think that no one should be killed. It was wrong for them to kill somebody, but that doesn't mean they have to be killed.The danger is also to execute somebody who is later found to be innocent.They can not be brought back from the dead. I can not decide whether I am for or against the death penalty.

ps: ich habe es auch dein niveau gelassen damit es nicht klar ist das ein muttersprachler involviert ist. :-))

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zum beispiel:

Youth unemployment in the United Kingdom is the level of unemployment among young people, typically defined as those aged 18–25. A related concept is graduate unemployment which is the level of unemployment among university graduates. Statistics for June 2010 show that there are 926,000 young people under the age of 25 who are unemployed which equates to an unemployment rate of 19.6% among young people. This is the highest youth unemployment rate in 17 years. In November 2011 youth unemployment hit 1.02 million.The high levels of youth unemployment in the United Kingdom have led some politicians and media commentators to talk of a "lost generation".

There is debate as to the causes of youth unemployment. Some of the causes of youth unemployment in the United Kingdom are not specific to young people.Widely cited causes of youth unemployment in the United Kingdom include :

Financial Crisis: Graduate recruiters have recruited less because of the financial crisis of 2007–2010.

Public sector cuts in spending: The cuts to the public sector (Government jobs) have also affected the chances of young people.

Immigration: Immigration from the European Union has been blamed for reducing the number of seasonal summer jobs available for university students.

Lack of qualifications:there could be a connection between youth unemployment and poor results in GCSE English and Maths.

Lack of experience: Employers are becoming more risk conscious and look to recruit more experienced older staff.

sowas ?? wenn du ein niedrigere niveau brauchst , melden :-))

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typical names for Andre / Andrew..

Dandy Andy....... chic,

Handy Andy........ gebräuchliche Andy (geschickt)

Randy Andy........(geile Andy)

Andy Pandy......war ein kinder sendung karakter (watch with mother)

Pud........ wegen ein berühmtes kinderlied.....


'Dy' (Pronounced 'Dee')


normalerweise sind nicknames abgegriffen....aber der nachname ist meistens entscheidend.

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da es keiner tut, versuche ich es:

unten ist die text erklärung, wenn du übersetzung hilfe brauchst melde dich nochmal. :-))

"when the days are cold" - things are dark and depressing

"the cards all fold" - everyone has given up

"the saints we see are all made of gold" - there isn't anyone truly good left

"when your dreams all fail" - life is getting hard and things aren't happening for people

"and the ones we hail are the worst of all" - the people who have the most influence are the people are are the worst influences (famous musicians, etc.)

"the bloods fun stale" - nobody has passion anymore

"I wanna hide the truth, I wanna shelter you" - he wants to hide the terrible world from someone he loves

"but with the beast inside, there's nowhere we can hide" - the things that make man fallen are inside of him, so he could cut her off completely from bad people and she would still have a beast inside her

"no matter what we breed, we still are made of greed" - same's fallen traits are engrained in him, and you can't make them go away

"this is my kingdom come" - this is my reality, i realize that now, and this is as good as it's getting

"when you feel my heat look into my eyes, it's where my demons hide" - I may seem like a better person on the outside, but in reality I'm just as bad as everyone else on the inside, I've got problems too

"don't get too close, it's dark inside" - you're too innocent for me

"when the curtain call is the last of all" - the show's over, now you see who the people really are, but they've still got smiles on their faces

"when the lights fade out all the sinners crawl" - but when your not looking anymore, the people are just humble sinners on their hands and knees just like everyone else

"so they dug your grave" - everyone is just waiting for you to fall too, because they know you will

"and the masquerade" - like I said before, everyone is just a fake

"will come calling out at the mess you made" - even though they're just fakes, they are just looking for their chance to criticize you and pull you down, which is why they've dug your grave

'don't wanna let you down, but I am hell-bound" - I really don't want to hurt you, but even though I know you trust in my, I'm gonna have to burst your bubble because I'm as bad as everyone else

"don't wanna hide the truth, know this is all for you" - he wanted to hide he truth earlier, but now he knows he can't keep deluding her, she needs to know who he really is, who people all really are, and it may hurt her but it's all for her in the end

"they say it's what you make, I say it's up to fate" - some people say that what you do and how hard you work determines the outcome of life our a relationship, but he thinks it's just going to happen like it happens and there's nothing he can do to change it: people will always have demons inside them

"it's woven in my soul" - his demons are a part of him, he's never going to shake them

"I need to let you go" - she's innocent, and he doesn't want to ruin that and since he's stuck with his demons forever, he needs to separate himself from her

"your eyes they shine so bright, I want to save that light" - again, he wants to preserve her innocence

"I can't escape this now" - again, he thinks he's stuck with his demons forever

"unless you show me how" - here's the note of hope in this song. He thinks he's pretty much stuck like he is forever, but whoever he is talking to is so innocent and 'her eyes shine so bright' that he thinks just maybe possibly she might be able to show him the way out

nobody is perfect at all and we all have our mischievous ways and we all have our flaws that essentially make us human.

The "Demons" music video was dedicated to Tyler Robinson, who battled cancer as a child, and passed away at the age of 17.

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es ist einer einfacher vermischung zweier berühmter und viel gebrauchte redewendungen und bedeutet ....

es ist ein fehler passiert aber es ist keiner gedanke mehr wert, da es sowieso vorbei ist.

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