Was passiert wenn eine Atombombe direkt neben einem explodiert?

4 Antworten

Am schönsten hat das Tom Clancy beschrieben ("The Sum of All Fears, Kapitel "Weapons Effects"):


"The fizzle had just ended when the first radiation reached the police officer. These were gamma rays, which are actually photons, the same stuff that light waves are made of, but far more energetic. They were already attacking the body of the truck as well, causing the sheet steel to fluoresce like neon. Immediately behind the gammas were X-rays, also composed of photons but less energetic. The difference was lost on Yankevich, who would be the first to die. The intense radiation was most readily absorbed by his bones, which rapidly heated to incandescence, while at the same time the neurons of his brain were simultaneously excited as though each had become a flashbulb. In fact, Sergeant Yankevich was unable to notice a thing. He literally disintegrated, exploded from within by the tiny fraction of energy his body was able to absorb as the rest raced through him."

Das Kapitel "Three Shakes" davor ist ebenfalls sehr schön, beschreibt den Ablauf innerhalb der Bombe Schritt für Schritt in Extrem-Zeitlupe.

Der Körper wird atomisiert, ein schneller Tod :)

das ist das Beste, was einem in so einem Fall passieren kann. Innerhalb von Millisekunden bist Du vaporisiert und bekommst nix davon mit.

Besser, als 100 km entfernt zu sein.

Du verdampfst, verkohlst, wie auch immer man es nennen will.